5 keys you shouldn't let go in building digital marketing strategy

Building a digital campaign is all about being on trend and engaging your audience. The most successful digital marketers are able to utilize [several key] different tools and understand each of their advantages. Here are the 5 key concepts you shouldn't miss out on: big data, content marketing, social media, omni channel, and email marketing.

QR code is not the coolest, but it works

Please scan me if you are using mobile device.

QR code is something we are no longer consider it as the coolest technology anymore. One of the reason is the QR code is not that pretty. Ok, I would admit this.

What should marketers aware of when they work with big data?

source: http://marketingland.com/7-limitations-big-data-marketing-analytics-117998

Big data has rocked this world in recent years. All of a sudden, people start to talk about this concept. Some people are totally advocate of it and some others worry that big data might be the killer of creativity.

Big data is proved that it's a trend but not a fad. How to embrace and utilize it becomes a new assignment for people in all industries. As  marketers, we should be aware of it more than any other people.

Be adaptive
As a marketing major student, I need to make a confession. The reason why I choose marketing but not other majors in business school is that I'm not that into numbers. With the huge wave of big data, I now have no way to run away from data. The new culture is that information is the key of driving success. In order to be success, we just need to dive into all these information and believe that data can drive success.

Big data is not the answer.
source: http://ww.daliulian.net/cat99/node476269

"The more the better" is what people believe when we fall in love with big data. We believe that big data provides us much more insights. The more insights we have, the closer we get to consumers. It not wrong. However, big data is not the answer. It doesn't tell you what to do next or which direction you should go. It even needs you to do the interpretation.

Therefore, before dive in to the dataset, always ask yourself these three questions : what information is useful to me, what's the goal I need to achieve, and how am I going to interpret the data? With a clear and determining mindset, you are backed up with strong big data.

Wether you like it or not, big data is the concept you need to be familiar with as a marketer. One day, you probably need to work with it (and a lot of people have done that already). With these little reminders in mind, you will benefit a lot from the power of big data.

5 reasons why retail need mobile marketing

We are in the mobile first world, and I believe that most people are willing to raise their hand and admit that "Yes, I just cannot leave without my smart phone."

Playtex spends online media budget cautiously

Source: facebook.com/Playtex/

When we talk about online ads, some benefits usually comes up from our mind. Online ads are better targeting, easy to track, and cost efficient. Though media spend on digital platform sometimes is not the largest portion of media budget, we still want to spend those money very smart and effectively.

Playtex, a company with wide range of product portfolio and long history. Their bras are famous about all the functional benefits. Compared to other bra brands, which also sold on hanes.com, playtex has the highest customer loytalty. Therefore, their online media spending is relatively preciser and focuses on retain their customers.

Google Ad Words
In their SEM(Search engine marketing) strategy, instead of buying just "bra" as a very broad key word, Playtex picks the relevant key words combination.

"Playtex+bra" directly helps those users who already have the brand name in thier mind.

"bra+18 hours" key words combination helps those users who know or hear about their signature collection but probably don't remember the brand name.  

"support+bra" key words combination aims those suers who seek to find high performance bra. 

Retargeting on social media
Playtex also retargets those users who leave their website without finishing transection. After I visit Playtex website, I receive sponsored content on Facebook. It makes the exploring journey switches from official website to social media platform. On social media, Playtex provides videos as content in order to meet user's behavior in social context. Video is entertaining but also informative. It well communicates what Playtex stands for.

Partnership with influencer

As a bra brand, whose products need to communicate more than aesthetics, Playtex also partnerships with blogger, the curvy life. They invited her not only writing review but also giving away free bras to her readers in order to reach more potential customers. This is a typically way to engage female consumers. 

Playtex's online ads strategy plays safe but right to the point. 
We can tell from all these observations that Playtex puts more focus on their conversion rate when they spend their marketing budget. Instead of widely targeting by demographics, they rather target those people who actually take actions and at least show interest on their products. I assume that probably Playtex position themselves on a niche market so they are not as aggressive as main stream lingerie brands in terms of ads exposure. After all, every dollars we spend on marketing are all expected to become returns as revenue.

3 things we can learn from Mode Marie social media crisis

On February 24th 2015, an Asian lingerie brand, Mode Marie, uploaded a TVC trailer about their new brand endorser on their Taiwan Facebook page and asked people online to guess who is the new brand endorser.

People found that the new brand endorsor was Grace Chen, a popular but relatively controversial social influencer and model. Grace Chen had almost 1,000,000 followers on her Facebook page and most of them were female. 

Grace Chen was mainly notorious for not being transparent. She didn't indicate the commercial/paid posts. She claimed that she goes to gym a lot but she in fact also did liposuction in order to keep in good body shape.

After people online found Grace Chen was the new brand endorser, over 3,000 people left their commands below and said that they would institute a boycott of Mode Marie's products because Mode Marie hired Grace Chen.

Mode Marie didn't manage this social crisis until 4 days later, February 28th. They posted an announcement for apology. Within the apology, they mentioned that

"We are sorry for disappointing our supporters because our new brand endorser didn't has the perfect body shape and has a negative public reputation. We will do self-criticism and make a better choice about brand endorser in the future." 
Mode Marie's reaction was considered to be lacking capability of crisis management. Overall, Mode Marie made three huge mistakes when they were dealing with this crisis: replying too slow, picking the wrong brand endorser because of myopia, and not showing support to their brand endorser.

1. Replying too slow
As I mentioned before, Mode Marie's didn't post any announcement either reply any comments until four days later. I can understand that they probably need to have a meeting before they come up with solution. However, crisis management is all about quick response. The longer you wait, the greater damage would cause. If the PR team were quick enough, the crisis could even be under control within four days.

2.Picking the wrong brand endorser because of myopia
I think the reason why Mode Maire chose Grace Chen as new brand endorser was that she had huge followers on social media and the expected conversion rate probably was higher than regular TV actresses or celebrities, which they usually hired in the past. However, without carefully considering people's preference, Mode Maire made mistake.

3.Not showing support to their brand endorser
Even if Mode Marie made a mistake on choosing brand endorser, I think they shouldn't get rid of Grace Chen right in public. By hiring Grace Chen, Mode Marie already irritated a group of people who dislike her. By firing Grace Chen, they irritated another group of people who are loyal followers of Grace Chen. At the end of day, Made Marie created a lose-lose situation.

Mode Marie also put themselves into a situation that they will probably hard to find good brand endorser in the future. Instead of showing kind and support to Grace Chen, Mode Marie chose to criticize her in their announcement. If someone who is considered to be the new candidate of Mode Marie's new brand endorser, the person will probably give up this opportunity when she knows that Mode Marie means to their brand endorser when there's a scandal.

Social media is a double-edged sword. 
Marketing people love but hate social media. However, when crisis happened, it doesn't necessarily be a bad thing. Negativity can be a key turning point and bring a brand to next level as long as you manage it appropriately. These three takeaways from Mode Marie's example can be a good lesson for all marketers. Next time when crisis happens, at least don't make these three mistakes.

Don't send out your Email right on Black Friday.

Source: http://www.business2community.com/marketing/5-thankstastic-marketing-ideas-thanksgiving-01068108

Happy Halloween, marketers!  After fun and crazy Halloween, we all need to get back on track and be ready for the upcoming big discount battle: black Friday and Thanksgiving.

Especially for Email marketing, taking advantage of big-sales holiday to drive sales is always effective and efficient.

A recent article from mediapost, says that Email sending early in the week of thanksgiving has higher conversion rate than Email sending on the day on Thanksgiving or black Friday. The report comes from Yesmail, Email marketing provider. The trend also applies on Facebook posts. The content posts on the earlier of the thanksgiving week generate higher engagement rate.

Source: http://internal3m.com/CMS/Wordpress/2012/05/22/9-shocking-ads-and-how-they-fared/

It might sounds a little shocking at the first glance. 
However, it's kind of making sense when we think it twice. On the day of thanksgiving and black Friday, people already have their ideas of what and where they are going to buy. If you provide your options on that day rather than couple days earlier, it usually too late to be considered.

The whole idea is about understanding customer's decision making journey. 
When people face tons of discount information, they always wanna be smart by comparing several similar offerings and picking the greatest deal. The earlier your offering provides, the higher chances you get into people's shopping lists. ( You usually won't be kicked out of the lists unless your offerings are not attractive enough. )

After knowing this little trick, you smart marketers might wanna push forward your Email campaigns couple days earlier if you scheduled it right on black Friday. If you get a better conversion rate this year, don't forget come back to my blog and leave comments about this good news.